Velkommen til Oslo domkirke

Domkirken er åpen hver dag fra kl. 10.00 - 16.00 lørdag til torsdag og fra kl. 16.00 fredag ettermiddag til kl. 06.00 lørdag morgen.

Velkommen til Oslo domkirke

(Scroll down for english)
Hver uke feires: Høymesse søndag kl. 11.00. Onsdagsmesse kl. 12.00. Fredagsmesse kl. 16.30. Mandag, tirsdag og torsdag er det hverdagsmesse kl. 15.30. Onsdag kl. 15.30  er det hverdagsbønn. Vel møtt!

Oslo domkirke ble innviet i 1697. I 1850 ble kirken ombygd og fikk høyere tårn og spir. Den siste store ombygningen var i 1950, og da kom også kapellet. Kirken har 800 sitteplasser.

Les om:
Åpen kirke


In English:
The Cathedral is open every day: Saturday - Thursday from 10 am - 4 pm. On Friday the opening hours are 4 pm - 6 am Saturday morning. Services (Mass) are celebrated: Sunday 11 am. Wednesday 12 pm. Friday 4.30 pm.

Members of all churches  and denominations are welcome to join us for the celebration of the Eucharist (Holy Communion / The Lords Supper).

As you enter then Cathedral a guide book is avaliable in English, German and French.

Oslo Cathedral is a lutheran church within The Church of Norway.

Høymesse  High mass Sundays
Flerspråklig messe  Mass with readings in English and other languages
Orgelresitasjon  Organ recital
Konsert  Concert
Åpen kirke  Church open

See: The Order of Service in Oslo Cathedral.

Oslo Cathedral wishes all visitors welcome to our church. It is a place for mass, for music, for silence, for conversation, and for lighting candles.  The Cathedral is open every day all week.

Oslo Cathedral is a church for everyone and has the ambition to be open-minded and traditional at the same time. It is a place where you should feel free to come as you are. The Cathedral wants to embrace both the variety and the contrast among people, and to share the loving presence of the Lord.

Oslo Cathedral has three main pillars: the church services, the art and the diaconate. It is our vision that the different aspects of these pillars will supply, enrich and acknowledge the human being. The Cathedral wishes to be a church for the whole person - and for all people.

We want to focus on the Lord's receptiveness towards life and all expressions of life. We believe in the Holy in contact with the ordinary. We believe that there is a connection between The Holy and glorified God and the human pain, loneliness and distress. We believe in contrasts and in the light that shines through our cracks.

A short eucharist service is held at The Silver Altar on the right hand side in ther Cathedral at 3.30 pm Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. An afternoon prayer is held at the same location Wednesday 3.30 pm. 

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