Oromo Evangelical Church in Trondheim

Oromo Evangelical Church in Trondheim holder sine samlinger og seremonier i Lademoen kirke og deltar aktivt i Lademoen menighet på mange måter.

Oromo Evangelical Church in Trondheim

Oromo Evangelical Church in Trondheim is a lively Afaan Oromo speaking congregation aimed at disseminating the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ among the Oromo immigrant community of the surrounding and far beyond.

What we believe in

Jesus Christ is the core of the Christian faith. He is God’s special revelation. We can receive the salvation that Jesus prepared by believing that He suffered punishment for our sins.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

God is both one and triune

God works in the world in three different ways. He created the world. In Jesus, He came to save the people who had fallen into sin. And He calls people to His kingdom through the Holy Spirit. All this is the work of the same God. God is called triune.
The Oromo Evangelical  Church  in Trondheim is part of the worldwide Church of Christ. Accordingly, the Church confesses the Christian faith, which is based solely on the Bible.
The confession of the Evangelical  Church of Afaan Oromo in Trondelag  is explained by the Mekane  Yesus Confession  and the other Lutheran confessions. The main principle maintained by the Church is that all doctrine must be examined and evaluated according to the Word of God
Christian faith in one God is briefly expressed in the creed. This God, who is both one and triune, is known as Creator, Redeemer and Sanctifier.
The Catechism is a clear-cut explanation of the Christian faith.

Jesus Christ

Jesus was a historic person. He called twelve men to be His disciples, who followed Him. He paid attention to those who were held in contempt by others. He spoke for the oppressed. He healed the sick, cast out demons, and even raised the dead.
His signs and wonders were connected to proclaiming the Gospel of the coming of God’s Kingdom. His deeds attracted much attention. Contemporary historians also mentioned Him.
After Jesus’ resurrection, the disciples realized that His death on the cross was the atoning sacrifice once and for all. The salvation promised to the people of Israel was also for all nations. This realization became the starting point of the Christian faith.

The salvation is a gift of God

We can receive the salvation that Jesus prepared by believing that He suffered the punishment for our sins. The faith by which the salvation is obtained is a gift of God. When we are convinced of God’s grace and love, Jesus Himself comes to dwell in our hearts. Martin Luther taught that Christ is present in faith itself. So faith provides us with the salvation God has prepared.
Jesus Christ is the core of the Christian faith. He is God’s special revelation. Jesus lived the life of an ordinary man, yet without sin. The Gospels tell us that he ate and drank, rejoiced and wept. He felt pain and agonies of life like each one of us.
But He was not only an ordinary man. Jesus was God’s envoy, God’s Son. Jesus was God’s incarnation, becoming flesh (John 1:14). God showed His love towards people by living a man’s life. Christ was both man and God. God’s becoming a human being is a secret of faith.

Christ is hope in the world

Jesus’ disciples regarded Him as the Messiah, the Savior of the people of Israel. After Jesus ‘death and resurrection they understood that the Messiah wanted to free all nations from sin and guilt. Christ is a sign of hope in the world. God raised Him from the dead and showed that death is not the end of everything.

After the resurrection, Jesus returned to His Heavenly Father. Now He has all power in heaven and on earth. On the Last Day, Christ will gather all nations before Him to be judged. Then those who believe in Him go to heaven and those who have abandoned Him will be separated eternally from God.

Kontaktinformasjon for Bakklandet og Lademoen menighet

Besøks- og leveringsadresse:
Frostaveien 2H, Trondheim 7068

Åpningstider: 11.00-15.00.

Post- og fakturaadresse:
Bakklandet og Lademoen menighet, Kirkelig fellesråd i Trondheim, Postboks 2300 Torgarden, 7004 Trondheim

Org. nr. 976 998 189

Felles sentralbord:
Tlf. 994 36 000.
Åpent mandag-fredag klokken 08.30-14.30*
*13.30 på tirsdager.


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