Jazz på Kampen - vi tar ikke sommerpause!

Serien fortsetter med konserter hver måned - også i sommer, nå i juli med besøk fra Danmark

Jazz på Kampen - vi tar ikke sommerpause!

Jazz på Kampen: Little North feat. Oscar Andreas Haug


With their captivating cinematic sound and a warm and intense presence, Little North bonds with their audience from the very first note. The sound of the band is way bigger than their classic piano trio constellation suggests. In a melting pot of modern minimalism and Nordic jazz tradition and with an intensity that draws threads to the jazz scene of New York, Little North has what it takes to add the next exciting chapter to the history of Scandinavian jazz. Their compositions, consisting of straightforward melodies in complex arrangements, pay as much attention to the notes NOT played as the ones the listener hears


In the beginning of 2024, the critically acclaimed Danish jazz trio, Little North, will release a new album featuring a special guest appearance by Norwegian trumpeter Oscar Andreas Haug. The album presents a series of freshly composed pieces that blend Little North's warm and telepathic interplay with Haug's ethereal and lyrical trumpet playing. In the meeting between the closely-knit trio and the young talent from Norway, they quickly found a deep mutual understanding, leading to a musical journey where they have challenged and evolved their sound in new and inspiring ways.


"While You Wait" will be released on the prestigious ACT label in early 2024.


Little North consists of Lasse Jacobsen on drums, Martin Brunbjerg Rasmussen on bass, and Benjamin Nørholm Jacobsen on piano. Since 2020, the trio has gained recognition for their unique sound and has released four critically acclaimed albums.


"Enjoy it! You won't hear a more beautiful Danish jazz album this year." ♥♥♥♥♥ Politiken (DK)


"Little North has some of the most thoughtful and joyous, exploratory yet poetically resolved piano trio music I've heard in some time. A terrific release."
★★★★★ Jazz Journal (UK)


"These young players have good taste, chameleonic talent, and voices of their own. Familiar Places is Little North's fourth album in six years, further defining and investigating a sound all their own based on twisting everything around them."
★★★★✩ DownBeat Magazine (USA)"



Kommende konserter:

17. august Martin Nodeland trio

7. september Alia trio

12. oktober Sam Newbould kvintett (UK/NL)

2. november Audun Automat

15. desember Amanda Kamara



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