Conference 20-21 June on Reconciliation in Indigenous Contexts

Read statements, manuscripts and information from the international conference “Reconciliation Processes and Indigenous Peoples: Truth, Healing and Transformation” in Trondheim, Norway, 20-21 June 2016 / Aqui se puede leer declaraciones, manuscritos e información de la conferencia internacional “Procesos de Reconciliación y Pueblos Indígenas: Verdad, Sanación y Transformación" en Trondheim, Noruega, 20-21 de junio de 2016 / Her finner du uttalelser, manuskripter og informasjon fra den internasjonale konferansen "Forsoningsprosesser og urfolk - Sannhet, helbredelse og transformasjon" i Trondheim 20.-21. juni

From the first Sami National Meeting in Trondheim 1917. Fra det første samiske landsmøtet i Trondheim 1917.

>> Watch and listen to recordings from the conference (Vimeo)

          Northern Sami: Koloniseren, vuostálastin ja soabadallan gehččon Troandimis 


- Insights and challenges from the youth pre-conference.

          Statement from the Indigenous Youth´s Conference


Regional Cases of Truth Seeking


Regional Cases of Truth Seeking: Responses form the Churches

"Breaking the culture of silence / Taking back our voice. On indigenous self-determination" National Indigenous Bishop Mark MacDonald, Anglican Church of Canada.

  • "Where leads the path from ignorance? On the whitebook project of Church of Sweden." Bishop of Härnösand, Eva Nordung Byström
  • "Truth as overcoming destruction and violence" Rev. Miguel A. Salanic, Continental Indigenous Pastoral Coordinator, Latin American Council of Churches (Guatemala)


Reconciliation as Transformation: Responses from the Churches

  • "Reconciliation as a Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace: An Indigenous Theological Perspective."  Dr. Anne Pattel-Gray, Australia


Kontaktinformasjon for Samisk kirkeråd - Sámi girkoráđđi - Sáme girkoráde - Saemien gærhkoeraerie

Haakon VII gate 5
9011 Tromsø




Samisk kirkeråd
Postboks 799 Sentrum
0106 Oslo


Ansvarlig redaktør
Emil Tan Engeset

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