Water is life - Sami Church Council supports Standing Rock Sioux Tribe

The Sami Church Council (Church of Norway) is concerned about the development in Standing Rock, North Dakota, where Indigenous peoples experience that Dakota Access Pipeline is to be placed transversely through Indigenous areas without appropriate consultation or consent from the Indigenous peoples. The Council sees this as an exampel of how Indigenous peoples around the world still experience colonialist violations.

Foto: Bente Geving

Such petroleum pipelines has earlier led to contaminated water. This oil pipeline is planned to run through areas of sacred places and burial grounds. Indigenous peoples from many parts of the world are now gathered in solidarity to support the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. This is also part of a worldwide movement fighting for Indigenous peoples rights to their own lands.

Water is the symbol of life, it is the basic condition for all life on earth as described in Genesis 1. It must be preserved, and all beings must have the opportunity to benefit from it. We humans are responsible for managing God's Creation so it can be passed on to the next generations.

Respect for other people means that you do not destroy their burial grounds and other sacred places. Such places have a value that can not be, and should not be, measured in money.

Water is sacred - Sami Church council supports Standing Rock Sioux Tribes fight.

Sami Church Council, October 4 2016

Kontaktinformasjon for Samisk kirkeråd - Sámi girkoráđđi - Sáme girkoráde - Saemien gærhkoeraerie

Haakon VII gate 5
9011 Tromsø




Samisk kirkeråd
Postboks 799 Sentrum
0106 Oslo
E-post: post.kirkeradet@kirken.no



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Emil Tan Engeset

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