Baptism in Church of Norway

Anyone can be baptised in the Church of Norway. Baptism is a great tradition. It marks a new start and puts life into perspective. Being baptised connects us with God. In baptism you become part of the large community of the church.

Det er dåp i kirken. En mor og en far holder sitt barn, ei jente på ett år, mens presten fyller hånden med vann fra døpefonten. Jenta stirrer interessert på vannet som drypper.

How to sign up for baptism

We collaborate with you to find out the best way forward for a beautiful baptism, whether this is during the Sunday worship service or it is held on another day.


About baptism

  • In baptism we are blessed by God’s love
  • Anyone can be baptised – regardless of age
  • Many children are baptised before they are one year old
  • There is no rule against adults, young people and older children being baptised
  • If you are baptised in church of Norway, you automatically become a member.
  • Baptism in another Christian church is recognised by Church of Norway, and no new baptism is needed to become a member of Church of Norway.

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Reasons to baptise

Every year more than 35 000 babies are baptised in the Church of Norway. Many children, young people and adults also choose to be baptised. There are many good reasons for that. Read some of them here.

Four good reasons to choose baptism

1. Tradition

No matter why you choose baptism, you also choose to participate in a tradition that has been important to people for hundreds of years and still remains important today.

2. Take part in something bigger

In baptism you become part of something bigger. The person who is baptised is celebrated and is given a warm welcome into the fellowship of
the parish where you live and by the Christian church, which is found
around the world.

3. Celebration

To many, baptism is about traditions, making good memories, to create a day for family and to have a point in life where a new beginning and a new life are celebrated.

4. Open to all

Anyone can be baptised in the Church of Norway. All who are baptised will
receive God’s love, no matter what. But this is not a requirement and the choice is yours to make.

An opportunity to explore the faith

Through baptism and familiarity with the faith you will have a basis to make
an independent decision. The congregation has many activities for children, young people and adults, which also provides the opportunity to explore what being baptised means and what the Christian faith is all about. The congregation is also a fellowship which allows us to share our beliefs in the company of others. Spending time with others is important, no matter what phase of life we find ourselves in.

Read more about what the Bible says absout baptism

Jesus did not baptise, but challenged people he met to stay with him and to follow him. The followers of Jesus were tasked to baptise people in all the world and to teach about God’s good will towards all human beings.

In the Bible text that is read as part of the baptism liturgy, Jesus says:

All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

(The Gospel according to Matthew, chapter 28, verses 18-20)



Baptism takes place during an ordinary service or at a special baptism
service. Baptism is a festive occasion that is steeped in tradition! Read more about the preparations for the ceremony here.

Select godparents

Many find it an honour to be chosen as a godparent. When a person is
baptised, they must have at least two godparents. A godparent must have
turned 15 years of age and, as a main rule, they must be a member of the
Church of Norway.

Members of other church communities can be godparents
as long as they accept children being baptised. When baptizing babies, the
parents decide who will be the godparents. It is most common to choose
from family and friends. The godparents and the congregation have a joint
responsibility to care for the person who is baptised and help them to live and grow in their Christian faith.

Pre-baptism conversation

Before the baptism, an appointment will be made to have a conversation with
those who have chosen for the baptism to occur. This is called a pre-baptism
conversation. This conversation can either be held individually or in a group
with others who have chosen to be baptised. The discussion is about what
baptism is and what it means, what happens in church during the baptism
and you are given the opportunity to ask any questions you might have.

Different ways of celebrating

The Church of Norway encourages as many as possible to be baptised,
regardless of their age. Some choose to invite family and friends to the church
and others have a party or gathering afterwards, but how you choose to
celebrate the baptism day is entirely up to you.

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